This week a huge folk music festival called The Serenade at Cafayate happened. Unfortunately, the park where the festival happens in about 2 blocks from our house. Needless to say, it has been a pretty loud weekend. A fun tradition with The Serenade is that everyone throws water balloons and buckets of water at people walking in the street throughout Cafayate. This led to some fun moments this week trying to keep our heads on a swivel and outrunning those trying to soak us.

People were crammed into the houses of friends and relatives, tents put up in empty lots, or sleeping in their cars on the side of the road. In another series of unfortunate events, this increase in people overloaded the utilities. Our electicity has been off and on for the past couple of days, and we haven’t had running water in our apartment since Saturday morning– today I “showered” with the bucket of water that collects condensation from our little AC unit. 

While it has not been the most ideal week, I’ve been loving my time with Elder Espinoza. I’m excited for this week and the opportunities we are going to have to help others come unto Christ.

Elder Espinza and I at the “I love Cafayate” sign.
We found some cool Serenata shirts.
A wine brand called “Sin”— Classic
Church on Sunday. Bands were still performing from the night before when we started at 10am. 
The restaurant that we go to for lunch every Monday. The live music makes me feel like a real tourist.

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