I’ve not been on my mission for a while. Back when the Tuberculosis outbreak was happening in August, I tested positive for it on a skin-prick test. With my parents and mission leaders, I decided to return home to the US for what we thought could be the end of my mission. Once I got back to Idaho, we were all stunned when bloodwork came back negative and it was deemed that I did not have TB. The CDC required that I wait until November for follow-up testing. While I waited, I was able to work for my uncle’s home construction company. I also volunteered weekly in the Meridian Temple, helping run sacred worship services and occasionally getting to translate them into Spanish. I will always be grateful to the people I met in the temple for their love and support when the gloom of uncertainty felt like just too much. I spent my free time completing my West Point reapplication, making several trips to visit friends and family in Utah, and forming better relationships with my teenage siblings. November eventually rolled around, and those tests came back negative as well, meaning I would be able to return to Argentina. After a painfully slow series of paperwork holdups, I am finally heading back tomorrow (December 10th).
The past several months have been hard. My entire life felt like it was up in the air, with the potential of crashing down. On one particularly difficult day, an Instagram post by the Church reminded me of the importance of trusting in the Lord. “Your boat, though lacking a sail, is navigated by the One who made the waters. That wind which seems so violent is His calculated breath. When you feel all control is out of your hands, you can be sure it is in His.” Through all the chaos of the past 4 months, I have learned to choose to trust God. Things might not work out how I want them to, but when I trust in the Lord, everything will work out.
I have enjoyed being home with my family, but I am so excited to get back to serving the Lord and the people of Argentina as a missionary.

That’s awesome, we are so happy for you to be able to return to your mission. I love the quote and your faithfulness in this difficult situation.