After finishing two intense academic days, I spent my break with a few other cadets at the senior mission couple’s house. I slept a lot, ate good food at a lot of families’ houses, and toured Revolutionary war-era sites with another mission couple and a student from Princeton. I spent a lot of time with returned missionaries and current missionaries, and it’s gotten me more excited to serve a mission. I’ve also discovered that the overlap between the army and the LDS worlds isn’t that big, meaning that everybody knows everybody. I’m thankful for all the people who opened their homes and kitchens for me this week.
The Impact of Reading
Reading has made me who I am today. That’s not an exaggeration. There were undoubtedly other factors but reading is probably the single greatest factor in my decision to pursue a career in the army. Every week in elementary school, we would go to the library to check out books. Every week I would walk out of the library with a military book. These were barely more than picture books, but they had me hooked on the military. Around 4th grade, I got a book with 10 stories of Medal of Honor recipients from World War I and another from the Vietnam War. Reading the stories of these heroes only further strengthened my desire to […]