La Serenata a Cafayate

This week a huge folk music festival called The Serenade at Cafayate happened. Unfortunately, the park where the festival happens in about 2 blocks from our house. Needless to say, it has been a pretty loud weekend. A fun tradition with The Serenade is that everyone throws water balloons and buckets of water at people walking in the street throughout Cafayate. This led to some fun moments this week trying to keep our heads on a swivel and outrunning those trying to soak us. People were crammed into the houses of friends and relatives, tents put up in empty lots, or sleeping in their cars on the side of the road. In another series of […]

Change: The Only Constant

I’m writing this while sitting at the bus terminal, waiting for my new companion to arrive. Elder Shelley finished his mission and is on his way home. Elder Miller got on a bus at 4am heading to northern Salta. What I know about my new companion is that his name is Elder Espinoza, he has a little less than a year on the mission, and I think he is from Chile. It’s a big change, but I’m excited for the opportunity to improve my Spanish.

Salta with a Big Interview

The biggest thing that happened this week was a series of conferences throughout the mission with Elder Gavarett and his wife. He currently serves in the presidency of the Church’s South America South area, with responsibility over congregations and missionaries in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. After a trecherous 4-hour ride through the winding canyon on the second story of a bus 🤢, we met with a third of the mission in Salta to hear from the Gavarrets about how to help our friends and converts continue progressing in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After the main meetings, I had an interview with Elder Gavarret to talk about the progress and future of the church here […]

Progress: Slow but Steady

Our small group here in Cafayate has been growing slowly, but steadily. The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ promises that we can live with our families in the presence of God and Jesus Christ. I have been able to watch members share this message with their families and see them progress in the Gospel together. One example is Maria, who was baptized several weeks ago by her son. They learned about the Gospel from Jesus’s older sisters, who in turn shared the joy they had found with their family. This week another family, the Molina’s, took a huge step together. After more than 10 years, Eduardo, the dad of the family, decided to make the […]