The biggest thing that happened this week was a series of conferences throughout the mission with Elder Gavarett and his wife. He currently serves in the presidency of the Church’s South America South area, with responsibility over congregations and missionaries in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. After a trecherous 4-hour ride through the winding canyon on the second story of a bus 🤢, we met with a third of the mission in Salta to hear from the Gavarrets about how to help our friends and converts continue progressing in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

After the main meetings, I had an interview with Elder Gavarret to talk about the progress and future of the church here in Cafayate. It was an awesome opportunity to be able to talk about the incredible growth of the congregation in Cafayate and help Elder Gavarret make informed decisions on the church in small, rural areas.

Elder Hansen

The missionaries and leaders in the Salta West Zone
One of my good buddies from serving in the office, Elder Barney
With the Gavarrets

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