Our small group here in Cafayate has been growing slowly, but steadily. The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ promises that we can live with our families in the presence of God and Jesus Christ. I have been able to watch members share this message with their families and see them progress in the Gospel together. One example is Maria, who was baptized several weeks ago by her son. They learned about the Gospel from Jesus’s older sisters, who in turn shared the joy they had found with their family. This week another family, the Molina’s, took a huge step together. After more than 10 years, Eduardo, the dad of the family, decided to make the necessary changes in his life to be baptized. He was baptized by his brother-in-law on Saturday and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ on Sunday. Now his family is preparing to go to the temple and be sealed together for eternity.
The Gospel is going forth in Cafayate like the stone cut out of the mountain without hands (Dan 2:45). I feel so privileged that the Lord is allowing me to play a part in His work here and see the blessings and miracles that the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings to individuals and families.