Known as “the Father of the Military Academy,” Sylvanus Thayer was a member of one of the first classes to graduate West Point. He later returned as the Superintendent. During his tenure, he transformed the academic program into what it is today. His name is now synonymous with academics. If you have an intense school week, you are having a “Thayer Week.” If you have to run across campus from PE to Math in 10 minutes, you have a “Thayer Run.” Aside from his name, the other part of Thayer that stuck with the Academy was the Thayer Method. This method of instruction can be summed up as learning beforehand and discussion in class. I have readings every night for English, Computer Programming, Math, Chemistry, History and even PE. With the exception of Math, most of my time in class is spent entirely on discussing the readings from the night before. It’s an interesting way of learning but it really helps process and learn the material.
Have a great week everyone!