Where’s Waldo?

This is Jenny. We haven’t heard from Warren yet, but we’re checking the mail box every day. West Point has a very active social media presence, and we’ve been lucky enough to find Warren in a few pictures featured this week. The cadet parents all say that these weeks of Cadet Basic Training is a little like playing Where’s Waldo because the cadets all have shaved heads and they all wear the same uniforms. So, we got lucky. One Tuesday a friend shared this screen shot from the West Point Instagram stories. They were showing highlights from the cadets arriving on campus. Later in the week, I was browsing through the West Point Flickr account, […]

It Begins!

We dropped Warren off at the airport early this morning. He made it to the East Coast, along with a few other cadets that he met along the way. Tomorrow (Monday, June 26) is Reception Day (R-Day), which marks the beginning of Cadet Basic Training. As part of CBT, he’ll turn in his phone until the summer program ends in early August. Until then, he will be able to send and receive only traditional letters in the mail. We’ll keep everyone posted with letters he sends. You can write him at the following: New Cadet Warren Hansen PO Box 1586 West Point, New York 10997-1586

What’s Warren doing this summer?

Check out this video for a glimpse into Warren’s summer of Cadet Basic Training. He flies out to New York on June 26th, and training begins June 27th. He’ll need our support for these intense six weeks. We’ll have contact information for him in about a month.